Privacy and Cookies Policy

Processing of personal data
Goldstar Eesti OÜ is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and users. Based on this, we have developed this Privacy Policy which governs the collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage of Customer Data. Our activities on the Internet are in accordance with all relevant activities and relevant European Union legislation and the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal Data is data that Goldstar Eesti OÜ collects when performing or contacting an individual. The collection of loyal customer personal data may take the following forms:

  • when providing contact information (including your name, personal identification code, postal address, telephone number, email address, preferred contact method) on our website or elsewhere (eg stores)
  • accessing the Website from the Customer’s account information or through cookies
  • Goldstar Eesti OÜ may voluntarily provide personal and personal information on certain areas of the Website when making a purchase or placing an order in our Store or Online Store. Required personal information may include name, address, zip code, other data)
  • when requesting a hire purchase
  • other data collection

We also collect non-personally identifiable information – data that cannot be directly associated with a specific person (gender, age, language preference, location). We may also collect generalized customer activity data on our website. This data is aggregated and used to provide more useful information to our customers and to identify which parts of the website, products and services are most interesting. Aggregate data will be treated as non-personal data in this privacy policy.

Use of Personal Information Collected

With the personal information we collect, we can inform our customers about Mamibot’s product news, campaigns and upcoming events. A customer who does not wish to be on our newsletter list or be notified of products that may be of interest to them may at any time remove themselves from the intended audience. We also use the personal information we collect to deliver the goods and to fulfill our obligations to the customer.

In order to better serve the customer, Goldstar Eesti OÜ may disclose information about individual users to a third party who provides Goldstar Eesti OÜ services and is contractually bound to keep the information shared confidential. A third party is, for example, our partner whose job is to transport goods for sale in an e-shop or to provide hire purchase services.

Modification of personal data collected

The personal information collected to identify and contact the Customer may be viewed, modified and supplemented in the “My Information” section of our website. If the e-mail (username of the Mamibot website) changes, please let us know as it is not possible for the customer to change it.

Protection of personal data

Goldstar Eesti OÜ takes all precautionary measures, including administrative, technical and physical measures, to protect the Customer’s personal data. Only authorized persons may access and modify the data.


All customer personal information that comes to our knowledge when visiting the Mamibot Online Store and making purchases is treated as confidential information. An encrypted data communication channel with banks ensures the security of the buyer’s personal data and bank details.

Privacy Policy Terms and Changes

By accessing our website or by completing a loyal customer application, you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change the general terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy as necessary, notifying all our regular customers. For any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or data processing, please contact us at

Cookie policy

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to provide a more complete and effective page experience.

By browsing the Mamibot web sites that accept cookies, you agree to the use of cookies and other similar technologies that are required for the correct viewing of these documents, as noted herein.

Information about cookies and web beacons

Cookies are small text files that websites store in the browser or in the browser memory while the browser is running. Like most other websites, we use these cookies to understand how our users use our services and to improve it accordingly.

A web beacon is a small image on a website or mailing list that allows us to decide whether or not you are familiar with certain content or email.

Emergency Cookies. These cookies are essential for the operation of our Site and for you to navigate and use its features. Without these essential cookies, we may not be able to provide specific services and features, and our Site may not function as smoothly as we would like.

Emergency Cookies on this Site may contain:

Cookie Description Domain
woocommerce_cart_hash Saves an encoded string that represents the contents of a WooCommerce cart
_icl_current_language Contains the current language of the page user
wordfence_verifiedHuman Protects the site from malicious attacks
wp_woocommerce_session_e21d9b9fef97b45a4957a581638942c5 The cookie contains information about customer identification and session expiration. For visitors, this is a randomly generated cryptographic strong ID.
woocommerce_items_in_cart Saves the items in your shopping cart
wfvt_ This is a cookie that is logged in for users
wpml_referer_url This cookie is added every time you visit a page. You can change the language of the page and if this cookie is not added you may receive incorrect information
gridcookie A theme cookie on a page’s site that is used to design the web.

Performance cookies. Performance cookies, sometimes called analytical cookies, collect information about your use of the Site and allow us to improve the performance of the site. For example, performance cookies are able to show us how you use our Site and improve how the Site performs. For example, performance cookies tell us what the most visited pages on our Site are, the general patterns of use of the Site, and also allow us to notice any difficulties you may encounter while using the Site and to see if advertising is effective or not.

The performance cookies on this Site may include the following:

Cookie Description Domain
_ga, _gid, _gat A set of cookies for collecting information and statistics on the use of websites without providing personal information about individual visitors
_zlcmid This cookie provides functionality for interacting with the customer live’s.

How does Mamibot use these technologies?


Each time you sign in to your Mamibot account, a session cookie is created that allows you to stay signed in on all pages of the site; these cookies are essential to manage the purchase process.

Even anonymous visitors are tracked by the session cookie, which allows us to, for example, read how many users visited our site, how long they stayed, and which pages they liked the most. This information will help us continually improve our website and improve our page development over time to meet our users’ expectations.

Session cookies do not collect personal information and are deleted at the end of a browsing session or when you close your browser.


Cookies allow us to understand how visitors use our services and which features or content users are particularly appreciated for. For example, cookies can tell us how many users have visited a particular product page or what keywords they have used to reach it.

Our website uses Google Analytics to collect certain information, such as navigation statistics. Read official documents to learn more about cookies created using Google Analytics here.


Mamibot may use cookies and web beacons to evaluate, for example, the performance and effectiveness of ads and newsletters providing quality content.

Disable or delete cookies

You can change the settings of most web browsers so that cookies are no longer accepted or denied. Although cookies are not required for some of our services, Mamibot websites may not function properly if they are completely deactivated.

You can also delete cookies already stored on your device.

Read our guidelines for managing cookies in Internet Explorer

Learn about Firefox cookie management in guide

Learn about managing cookies in Google Chrome guide

Learn how to manage Safari cookies guide